Dotan speaks at event for opening of new exhibits

Photo Credit: Beth Dotan speaking
Fri, 04/05/2024 - 11:49

Beth Dotan spoke at "An Exploration of Escape and Survival," a Nebraska History Museum event commemorating the opening of two new exhibits that explore the escape and survival of Jews from Europe during World War II.

"The True Wartime Escape: Margret and H.A. Rey's Journey from France" shares the story of the creators of Curious George, and "Portraits of Survival: Photographs by David Radler" introduces visitors to Holocaust survivors who came to Nebraska to live.

Dotan's talk explored the creation of the exhibits and the importance of Holocaust education. She is Research Assistant Professor at the Norman and Bernice Harris Center for Judaic Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Beth Dotan with other speakers at the event

David Radler, Beth Dotan, and Scott Littky.

Event visitors

Participants at the event.