On July 3, 2016, Michael Dike left for the University of London's 2 week "Institute on Holocaust and Jewish Civilisation" at the Royal Holloway campus in Egham. He was one of 18 advanced graduate and early post-docs who gathered under the leadership of Dr. Dan Stone. The institute then brought in experts in various fields of Holocaust studies including: literature, memory, Nazi ideology, history of antisemitism, movies, and a session or two on the new trends in Holocaust studies. The Institute was competitive and funded except airfare, which UNL's Department of Judaic Studies funded. He was able to present his work to others in an informal discussion fashion. He has kept in touch with the majority of my peers and instructors. He returned on July 17, having been able to spend some extra time at London's International Tracing Service archive at the Wiener Library in London.
July 3, 2016